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Showing posts from March, 2019

12. Ruling out ‘no-deal’ is an act of vandalism

Yesterday’s vote by MPs to rule out a ‘no-deal’ BREXIT, must surely count as one of the most irresponsible acts by the UK’s elected representatives – ever. It amounts to constitutional vandalism and clearly represents a concerted attempt by forces on both sides of the House of Commons to overturn the voters’ decision of June 2016 and force a second referendum. The decision can only have one of two effects: EITHER, the UK still manages to leave the EU but the terms and conditions will be materially worse than we would otherwise have secured, had we still retained the option of walking away from the negotiating table – OR we do not leave the EU at all.  14 March 2019

11. Amber Rudd is a traitor

We will never know what deal the EU might have been prepared to offer, had the UK made clear that its ultimate default position was ‘no deal’. By their insistence that Parliament should categorically reject a ‘no deal’ outcome, Amber Rudd, Heidi Allen and the other ‘remainer’ MPs have effectively killed off the likelihood of the EU ever offering us an acceptable, compromise deal. It is absolutely clear that the EU has no incentive whatsoever to ‘meet us halfway’. Unless the EU believes that the UK can and will walk away from a ‘bad deal’. it will never agree to anything which might be considered acceptable (and workable) to both sides. The EU has one aim in mind - and that is to force a second referendum. Amber Rudd is a member of the cabinet and yet  she is collaborating with a foreign power to undermine the interests of the UK, in attempting to force a second referendum . The UK is still (for the time being) a sovereign nation. Amber Rudd is a traitor.